


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:585 移动端

  华威大学(The University of Warwick) 是位于英国英格兰中部华威郡的一所世界顶尖大学,是英国名门大学之一,名列英国十大著名学府,以其高水平的学术研究和师生互动教学而享有国际盛誉。学校创立于1965年,现有23,000余名在校生及近5,000名教职人员,包括来自120多个国家和地区的8000余名海外留学生


  All Applicants: (适用于所有申请者)

  All applicants must satisfy the general postgraduate admissions requirements and also those of the course which they wish to pursue. 所有申请者必须满足研究生课程基本入学要求及申请课程的要求。

  •Research Degrees: at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent


  •Taught Degree: at least a lower second class honours degree or equivalent, although some courses require an upper second


  China (Mainland) (适用于中国大陆申请者)


  A score of 82% or 3.3 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1 while a score of 77% or 2.9 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. However, we take in to account the subjects studied as well as the institution studied at and so requirements do vary.



  All courses have been assigned to one of four English Language Test Bands (A to D). A summary of required standards for each band is set out below. 所有课程的语言条件都归类为以下4个等级中的一个。

  Band A - Minimum IELTS score 6.5 including minimum component scores. A等级:总分6.5及小分有要求,具体视专业而定

  Band B - Minimum IELTS score 7.0 including minimum component scores. B等级:总分7.0及小分有要求,具体视专业而定

  Band C - Minimum IELTS score 7.5 including minimum component scores. C等级:总分7.5及小分有要求,具体视专业而定

  Band D - Minimum IELTS score 8.0 including minimum component scores. D等级:总分8.0及小分有要求,具体视专业而定





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